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English version
The conflict between the Libyan government and oil thieves, has the same explanation of imperialist wars and many have done in the history of the highest stage of capitalism, where the state puts its monopoly power in the service centers of economic power and leaves aside conventions and treaties to the extent of ignoring other states the right to self-determination and direction of society, economy and laws.
The conflict between the Libyan government and oil thieves, has the same explanation of imperialist wars and many have done in the history of the highest stage of capitalism, where the state puts its monopoly power in the service centers of economic power and leaves aside conventions and treaties to the extent of ignoring other states the right to self-determination and direction of society, economy and laws.
That is the way that apparently will run the states outside NATO and North America, trying to take his own life, tally seems that every country with oil reserves, is at the expense of a bad day the bombs and missiles rob him the hope.
Versión en español
El conflicto entre el gobierno libio y los ladrones hidrocarburos, tiene la misma explicación de cuantas guerras imperialistas e han realizado en la historia de esa fase superior del capitalismo, donde el estado monopolista pone su poder al servicio de los centros de poder económico y deja a un lado convenciones, tratados al extremo de desentender el derecho de otros estados la libre determinación y dirección de la sociedad, la economía y las leyes.
Ese es el camino que al parecer correran los estados que desde fuera d ela OTAN y del norte de américa, intenten tener vida propia, talmente parece que cada país con reserva de hidrocarburos, está a espensas de que un mal día las bombas y los misiles le arrebaten la esperanza.